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New Year 2025 – The Book of Ephesians
For the first few weeks of 2025, we’ll taking our inspiration from the wonderful book of Ephesians.
Note: all Inspirations are now uploaded for the week – scroll down for Friday’s, and earlier posts…
Saturday 15th February – 1 John 4:7-21 ‘The Source of Love’
A reflection for Valentine’s Day, which was yesterday…
In 2016, a new app was launched: ‘what3words’. The app divides the world into tiny squares 3m wide by 3m long and creates a unique 3-word name for each one. It wasn’t long before pretty much every serious walker or traveller put this app on their phones – if you get lost or have an accident, you just send your 3-word location and a rescue team can pinpoint your location exactly, and not have to comb a mile of wilderness trying to find you. It literally saves lives.
The world defined in 3 unique words. And here in this passage, we discover three words which condense all of the glorious wisdom of Scripture into three fundamental words, which take us to the heart of life itself: God is love.
But let’s be clear as to what kind of love is being described here. It’s not romantic love, or patriotic loyalty, or even based around things that we like or enjoy – though it can include bits of all of those. It is bigger and deeper than that. It is love defined as selfless giving.
This kind of love is Christ-centred (v9). It is also Christ initiated: ‘This is love,’ John says in v10, ‘not that we loved God but that he loved us.’ So often we start from human images of love and work back to God. But the deepest form of love comes from God, and we can only truly find it in him. God loved before we did – and as we receive this divine kind of love, then we find capacity to share that love with others. As we receive, so we give – otherwise the well runs dry.
This is why we have to centre ourselves in Christ, the heart of God’s self-giving love – as we do that, so his love fills us, and flows out of us into others: v17 ‘This is how love is made complete among us… in this world we are like Jesus.’
And not only this, the power of fear in our life is reduced: ‘there is no fear in divine love – perfect love drives out fear.’ (v18) To abide in this healing, cleansing, divine love helps us to live through that same love, and not the fears that whisper in our ear. We no longer need to be right, or important, or liked, or needed. We can simply give ourselves in love, as our Lord directs.
Today, let’s re-centre ourselves by inviting this awesome, self-giving divine love, this love of Christ, to enter our lives afresh and make us whole. And may God grant us grace to overflow in this love: back to God, and out to others. Amen.
Friday 14th February – Ephesians 4:11-13 (ii) ‘Equipping God’s people’
Power corrupts. It’s a basic principle of human behaviour, witnessed repeatedly throughout history. Sadly, despite thousands of years of human civilisation, it’s as true today as it ever was. And you won’t have to look hard to find articles and media content at the moment about leaders around the world – much of it concerned, even anxious, and rightly so.
Today’s passage is a healthy corrective. What does true, godly leadership look like? Like Jesus, would be the obvious answer. But, if we were to probe deeper, what Paul says in these verses sets a template that all leaders should follow: the primary task of leadership is to equip other people to flourish in their lives. Or, as Paul puts it here, referring to leadership gifts in the church: ‘to equip his (Christ’s) people for works of service, so that body of Christ may be built up.’
Good leadership blesses others. It equips them to live fruitfully, and to grow as a community. Note the individual and corporate elements in this – personal and collective flourishing. Leadership ultimately gives itself away – at least, leadership as Jesus intended it to be.
Verse 13 also gives us some pointers as to whether we’re heading in the right direction: the first is unity. A healthy, flourishing community practices Christlike unity. Not uniformity, necessarily – unity. In other words, what binds us together is always more than what divides us.
The second is wisdom: we develop a deep ‘knowledge of the Son of God.’ Leaders impart knowledge – both in word and deed. Most of it is probably caught rather than taught. It reminds us that, in the body of Christ, wisdom is dispersed across the body – it’s not held tightly by the leaders; it’s shared, for the benefit of all.
Finally, maturity. The word here is ‘teleios’, which is the same word Jesus uses in the Sermon on the Mount. It’s often translated ‘perfect’ but it’s best understood as ‘complete’, ‘the finished article’. Whatever the nuance is, it’s basically what Jesus intends us to be: ‘Be teleios, as your Heavenly Father is teleios.’ (The words from that famous sermon, Matthew 5:48)
Today’s passage is one of my personal favourites in all scripture. It gives an inspiring vision of the body of Christ as it’s meant to be – a body I want to be a part of! May the Lord raise up churches like this, led humbly and flourishing widely. And may all of us find our true place in them. Amen.
Thursday 13th February – Ephesians 4:11-13 ‘God’s gift of leaders’
‘Where are all the APEs in church?’ This was the provocative title of a seminar I attended a few years ago – well, you would, wouldn’t you, with a title like that?! And no, it wasn’t about the ineffectiveness of the church’s mission among primates – although I’m sure that might be a topic for another day… the APEs in question are to be found at the start of today’s passage.
St Paul is developing his theme of God’s gifts. Yesterday we looked at Christ the great gift-giver – today we get on to some of the actual gifts, as well as (tomorrow) their purpose. In particular, he focuses on what are now known as the ‘leadership’ gifts of the church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. To return briefly to the seminar, what the convenor was challenging us about was that the church has lots of Pastors and Teachers, to nurture the flock – but not enough Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists – A P E or the APEs of the title.
Apostles are pioneers, the people who break new ground. Evangelists are gifted in bringing people into the kingdom. Prophets have an unusual capacity to see what God is up to (they are vital to the work of apostles and evangelists, as they can sense where these other leaders should be investing their energies).
Without these three gifts, the pastors (alternative word for shepherds) and teachers lack people to nurture. But it is also true that first three gifts tend to sit uneasily within the natural structures of the church, since their heart is always to reach outside it. Somehow a healthy body of Christ needs to find its APEs, and give them enough freedom to live out their calling – out on the frontiers, where ‘church’ gets especially messy and boundaries are blurred.
It is, of course, where Jesus spent a good proportion of his time. Not all of his time – and here, as always, we need to keep a sense of balance; Jesus was the world’s best pastor and teacher as well – but certainly enough to challenge the church in every generation to prioritise pioneering, evangelism and prophetic vision.
Ultimately, these all are the leadership gifts of the church because they reflect the character and calling of Christ himself – the original apostle (‘sent one’, from heaven to earth) who proclaimed the good news (‘evangelion’ – the root word for evangelist, literally a ‘declarer of good news’), spoke prophetic truth to power, and was titled both the ‘Good Shepherd’ (John 10:11) and ‘Teacher and Lord’ (John 13:13). It follows, then, that Christ gifts those who come after him to exercise these callings now, and in each generation.
So, today, let’s pray for our church leaders – whichever of these gifts they exercise. Pray that God would raise up more APEs! And also that God would continue to call pastors and teachers, too. We need every gift to reflect the fullness of Christ’s mission. And tomorrow, we’ll see why…
Wednesday 12th February – Ephesians 4:7-10 ‘Christ the victorious gift-giver’
About 20 years before Paul wrote this amazing letter, the Roman Emperor Claudius travelled to Britain and defeated the local population in a decisive battle at what is now Colchester. He built a temple there to mark his victory and then returned to Rome where he was granted (not that the Senate had much choice!) a ‘Triumph’. This was a great procession through the centre of Rome, where the conquering general/emperor would ride magnificently at the head of his army, whilst captured soldiers would trail behind. The Triumph was an occasional but important cultural landmark, one with which most citizens of the Roman Empire (of which Paul was one) would be familiar.
It also sets the background for today’s passage, which picks up another theme Paul wrote about numerous times in his letters: the unity and diversity of God’s people. If the focus yesterday was on our unity, the focus today is on our diversity: ‘But to each one grace has been given as Christ has apportioned it.’
This theme will occupy our attention for the next few days – however, what is unique about Paul’s treatment of it in Ephesians is where he starts: with Jesus as the conquering King. He uses a quote from Psalm 68, which long predates Roman imperial triumphs, but paints a similar picture of God as the conquering King, receiving gifts from his people – and sharing them in return. (NB There is a lot of debate about whether Paul misquoted the psalm, either accidentally or deliberately; however, various translations of the time, which Paul might have used, refer to the king in Psalm 68 giving gifts – so his usage here is fine!)
We’ll see tomorrow that the ‘gifts’ King Jesus distributes are what we usually refer to as spiritual gifts – given by the Lord to build up God’s people. But the point is that King Jesus distributes these ‘according to his gift’ (the literal translation of v7), as the overflow of his great love (2:4) and incomparable (2:7) and boundless (3:8) riches. He is the One who fills the universe (v10), and so is not limited in the grace/gifts (it’s the same root word) he can share – there is plenty to go around!
Before we explore the purpose and value of these gifts in more detail, Paul reminds his readers what it cost Jesus to become the conquering King. The great victory came through immense personal sacrifice: he ‘descended to the lower earthly regions’ (v9), which I think refers to more than just his incarnation in the world, but also to the depths of the crucifixion.
And yet, he overcame! ‘Up from the grave he arose…’ He ascended ‘higher than all the heavens’ (v10), and now pours out his loving authority to bless his people. To each one of us, Christ apportions his grace, which we know is sufficient for us. Pray today for this grace to abound in you – and may we all worship this glorious One, who fills the universe, with our hearts and our lives. Amen.
Tuesday 11th February – Ephesians 4:3-6 ‘The power of one’
The diversity of the worldwide church is extraordinary. Every culture and every society is included. In fact, in every country in the world there is at least one follower of Jesus – and for many, following this path to life comes at great personal cost. Christians are also remarkably flexible in terms of the places where they gather; in our parish alone, we have churches meeting in every type of building: mediaeval, modern purpose-built worship centres, a number of schools and community centres – even, on occasions, the local pub. Church happens when Christians gather together, and the history of the church proves that this can happen anywhere – in caves, in prisons, in shopping centres and even on rubbish dumps, in the case of one fantastic church serving destitute people in Cairo.
But what holds us together? What are the things we can agree on, which represent the glue for this vast diversity of humanity? Here in Ephesians chapter 4, St. Paul gives us the vital clues. To start with, as we saw yesterday, we all have a common calling: to ‘live a life worthy of the calling you have received’ (v1). As we’ve seen in the first half of the letter, we share an identity: chosen children of God, forgiven and freed and brought into God’s family – and this calling stirs us to a grace-filled life of gratitude. A life marked by humility, gentleness, patience and love (v2).
But we also share common convictions, a core of truths that bind us together (vv4-6). We worship one God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are part of one Body – the universal and worldwide family of God. We profess one faith in this glorious Trinitarian God, and (almost universally) acknowledge one special way of declaring and signifying our faith: baptism – in water and the Spirit.
This is the power of one – one hope for the world, and for ourselves. It creates a ‘bond of peace’ (v3) which overrides all our differences, and keeps our eyes fixed on the true and deeper realities which we share.
The unity of the church is not just something to treasure (which it is) and a source of great strength and comfort for all who are part of it (which it is, too) – it is also a prophetic witness to a divided world. It is powerfully counter-cultural. It’s easy to miss this – on Sunday at one of our churches we will welcome a family, whose child was baptised last week, during which the minister will use these words: ‘There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. NNN, by one Spirit we are all baptised into one body.’ The words are taken from this very passage, but they are more than just nice words of affirmation; they declare something truly radical – the global unity of the family of God.
So, today, let us celebrate what holds us together, what unites us as one big family of God stretching throughout the world. I like to picture it as millions of lights scattered across the globe, worshipping the one true Light of all. May it stir us to gratitude and to prayer, and also to renewed energy and vision – a vital part of a life worthy of the glorious calling we have received. Amen.
Monday 10th February – Ephesians 4:1-2 ‘Worthy of our calling’
When I was young, I used to love the game ‘Consequences’. Most people my age or older will probably remember it: you gather in a circle and each of you starts with a piece of blank paper and begin by, say, writing the names of two people. Then you fold over the paper and pass it to your left. The next thing you write might be ‘met (somewhere)’ – write in the meeting place. Fold paper – then write on the next segment what they did… what the first person said… what the second person said… and the consequence was… Then you would all unfold your pieces of paper and read out what had been written – hopefully with some comic scenarios!
What makes the game work is that you don’t know what’s been written beforehand – the consequence may have nothing to do with the previous text; in fact, the more wildly different/ weird/ unlikely, the better.
Strange as it may sound, there’s more of a risk that we might take this kind of approach to the spiritual life than we might imagine. We don’t always stop to think through the consequences: why do we live like we do? Or, to put it another way, is there a natural consequence between what we believe and how we live. Does the ‘consequence’ fit?
The second half of Ephesians (chs 4-6) is like the ‘consequence’ to chapters 1-3, which describe in wonderful depth and detail who we are in Christ. Having got to the end of chapter 3, the big question is, therefore – if this is who we are, how then should we live? Paul makes this transition very clear in the first verse of ch4: ‘I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received’ – the ‘calling’ being everything he’s shared in the first half of the letter.
So, what does this ‘worthy’ life look like? What’s the consequence?
What’s fascinating is where he starts. It’s all about character. I used to teach the book of Ephesians to people who had just become followers of Jesus, and what I usually found is that enthusiastic new believers wanted to know what they needed to do. They wanted some rules!
That’s natural… but Paul puts the brakes on that approach. What matters is that what you do flows out of who you are. This is the whole thrust of the first half of the letter. It’s about identity – who we are in Christ. And, having won our hearts, our loving Saviour will now set about slowly transforming us from the inside out, cultivating Christlike virtues: ‘be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.’ The qualities of our Saviour, now being generated through his life-giving Spirit in us.
It’s a quiet revolution. Not so much do – be. This is what a life worthy of our calling looks like, first and foremost. As we begin this week, may the Lord grant us all grace to live this kind of life. May his Spirit continue that transformative work – ‘to the praise of his glory.’ Amen.
Saturday 8th February – Ephesians 3:14-21 (iii) ‘Grace and peace in action’
If you were asked to give a three-word summary of the theology of the Christian faith, what would you say? The early church’s first answer was probably this: Jesus is Lord! But its second answer – and certainly Paul’s other main answer – is this: grace and peace. As we saw in our very first reflection in this series, it’s how he starts all of his letters, including this one. God’s grace leads to our peace. Salvation, and the life that flows from it, in one simple phrase.
Chapter 2 of Ephesians then goes on to outline grace and peace in more detail. The first half looks at how God’s wonderful grace saves us; the second half, how Christ’s atoning work brings us near to God and also to others – he is, therefore, ‘our peace’.
As we look one more time at this awesome prayer, my final reflection is simply that, alongside all the other marvellous layers and dimensions to these extraordinary verses, it is also a prayer for grace and peace in action – or, you could say, the outworking of grace and peace in our lives.
So, here’s a prayer for what grace looks like in action: (vv17-19) Paul prays that we ‘being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’
Note how the language echoes chapter 2 – we are rooted in love, just as grace is rooted in God’s great love for us (2:4). And as we grasp just how much Christ loves us, so we are filled to all the measure of the fullness of God. This grace empowers our lives. This grace enables the love of God to fill us so much that it overflows to others. Grace is meant not just to be received, but to be passed on. It energises us to live a life of love.
It’s the same with peace: (vv16-17) ‘I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.’ He doesn’t mention peace directly, but he does mention spiritual strengthening in our inner being. What are the fruit of the spirit that comprise this strengthening? Love, joy and – yes – peace! Christ dwelling in our hearts produces real growth of character. We live with peace, and other virtues, in our hearts.
This is a prayer for a life, a heart, captivated by God’s grace and peace. This is a prayer for us and for our church. Our hearts, our churches, are to be oases of God’s grace and peace. And we can pray this prayer because Paul starts and finishes it by reminding us of the source and the means of these life-transforming virtues: the Lord himself. We don’t manufacture grace and peace – but we know where to go to find it: (v14, v20) ‘For this reason, I kneel before the Father… to him who is able to do immeasurably more… be glory.’
As we close our week and another remarkable chapter in this letter, may this be our prayer. And may grace and peace be ours in abundance this day, this weekend, always. Amen.
Friday 7th February – Ephesians 3:14-21 (ii) ‘Faith hope and love’
‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’
So concludes Paul’s great hymn to love in 1 Corinthians 13 – beloved of wedding ceremonies, and rightly so. It is not sentimental love, but gritty, real love – manifested in patience, forgiveness and trust. It finds its necessary companions in faith and hope – for without these, you could argue that true, self-giving love would be impossible to sustain.
Although the idea of faith, hope and love forming some sort of ‘holy trinity’ of virtues finds its greatest expression in Paul’s iconic hymn, it’s not the first time we encounter this in his writing. Indeed, it appears that Paul used this as a shorthand for our blessings in his earlier ministry. One of the earliest letters – possibly the earliest, 1 Thessalonians – begins like this: (1:2-3) ‘We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.’
Faith, hope and love… only this time they also produce transformative outcomes: faith produces fruitful work, love produces self-giving labour and hope gives us endurance for the journey of faith.
Fast-forward about ten years to this letter to the Ephesians and Paul’s great prayer picks up the same themes of faith, hope and love, and prays them for his readers in yet another marvellous way. The prayer broadly splits into three main parts: the first prays for faith: ‘I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.’
The second prays for love: ‘I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge…’
The final part is rooted in hope: ‘Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…’ He may not use the word, but a prayer to the one who can do more than all we ask or imagine: what else is that a prayer for, if not for hope?!
What is so powerful in all of Paul’s reflections on these virtues is that they are not just ‘feelings’ or ‘values’ – they produce transformative outcomes. Faith enables Christ to really dwell in our hearts – we can sense his presence daily. Love is not just something to grasp, but to know at a deep and intimate level. Hope inspires to pray confidently, trusting in the One who can do what seems to us impossible.
Faith, hope and love. As we pray this prayer today, may we, like Paul, be filled with praise: ‘to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen!’
Thursday 6th February – Ephesians 3:14-21 (i) ‘The great invitation’
You might it isn’t possible for this letter to get any better! We’ve hit so many heights already, what else is there left to say?! But, at this point – and after a modest diversion of twelve verses (3:2-13) when Paul stops to reflect briefly on his own role in the family of God – we get to one of the great peaks of all scripture: Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians, and by extension all believers.
There’s so many dimensions to this prayer, you can never really exhaust its riches. It’s also not one I would dare to break up into chunks, it would be like looking separately at the Mona Lisa’s face, then her clothes and then the background! Much better to dwell in this text for three days, looking at the whole of it each time, but emphasising a particular facet.
Today, then, I’m going to look at what it says about God in its most essential form: God as Trinity – one Being with three natures: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The important thing we have to realise is that scripture treats the Trinity as a reality, but doesn’t define it systematically. It was the Church which did that later, and, whilst the insights of great theologians such as Tertullian, Athanasius and Augustine are foundational to our understanding of who God is, it’s vital that we don’t reduce this extraordinary doctrine to a puzzle that needs to be solved. Rather, what we have is a great invitation from God to experience a three-dimensional relationship with him as a reality.
We see this approach here in Ephesians. The Trinity appears regularly, right from the start: verse 3 of chapter 1 talks about God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and every spiritual blessing – which could equally be translated ‘blessing of the Spirit’. Similarly in verses 13-14 of chapter 1, we are included in Christ, given the promised Holy Spirit and described as God’s possession – which here most likely refers to God the Father.
Chapter 2 verse 18 is perhaps the most concise expression of how the Trinity works in all of scripture: ‘For through Jesus we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.’ But, even if this one verse lays the foundation of much of our Trinitarian theology, it was not written for that express purpose. Paul invites all of us to know God as Father, Son and Spirit as a lived experience and in multiple ways, and his prayer at the end of chapter 3 reflects that.
In today’s passage, he kneels before the Father (v14) and prays for us to be strengthened with the power of the spirit (v16) so that Christ may dwell in our hearts (v17). He then goes on to pray for that same power (of the Spirit) to enable us to grasp the depth of Christ’s love, that we may be filled with the fulness of God (the Spirit and Christ, as well as the Father).
For each of us to grow into mature faith, we need to cultivate a relationship with the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Each part matters – to know that we are God’s beloved children, to imitate to example of Christ, to be empowered and transformed by the Spirit. Where might you most need to focus at the moment? Why not pray to receive that invitation, to experience that reality more fully?
If you have time, why not spend a few minutes reflecting on Andrei Rublev’s famous icon. Here we see Father, Son and Spirit in a perfect relationship of love. The side of the table nearest to us is open: we are all invited to join them. Will you?
Wednesday 5th February – Ephesians 3:10-13 ‘Freedom and confidence in Christ’
The first two chapters of Ephesians are possibly the most theologically rich chapters in all of scripture. As I observed at the start of our series, it’s as if Paul is cramming all his decades of wisdom, reflection and experience into a unique distillation of what it really means to be a follower of Jesus: who we are in Christ, what blessings we enjoy, what it means to be a united body of Christ globally.
You might think that he’d said more or less everything that could reasonably be said about our spiritual blessings; however, in today’s passage he references one other outcome of these blessings, which he hasn’t referred to yet: (v12) ‘In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.’
Freedom and confidence. This might sound obvious at first sight; but when you think about it, is actually quite a mind-blowing thought. Our God is a great big God – to coin a phrase! The Creator and Lord of the Universe, the One whose Son holds all things together and will one day return as Judge; the King of kings and Lord of lords. You might think it would be hard to approach this God – certainly terrifying. That would be what we might expect of any other (earthly) ruler.
To return to King Henry VIII, whose court we referenced a few days ago. We stopped at the point when you entered the throne room. But what happened next? How did you approach the king? Well, you had at all times to face towards him (never turn your back on the monarch) and inch forward slowly, legs bent, head bowed in order to present your business to the king. King Henry even changed the form of address – it was no longer simply ‘your grace’ or ‘your highness’, but from 1519 ‘your majesty’ (Emperor Charles V had recently adopted this form of address and Henry couldn’t bear to be outdone.) In short, it was a constant reminder that Henry was great and you were not, Henry was powerful and you were not, Henry held your life in his hands.
Henry’s bombast was no different to the great rulers of Paul’s time. Imagine, then, what it must have sounded like to Paul’s first readers to hear this: ‘we may approach God with freedom and confidence.’ Wow! No bowing and scraping, no cowed pleading – thanks to Jesus, we have a full and free invitation into the heavenly throne room.
This sense of the freedom we enjoy in Christ is one repeated in several other letters of Paul (1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians) and also by James and Peter. Confidence, however, is much less mentioned – only once in 2 Corinthians. I think this emphasis here in Ephesians is significant. It is possible for us to be free, but not confident. We might believe in principle that we have access to God, but not take God up on this access, as it were.
Paul’s encouragement, however, is that we can be both free and confident in approaching God. Followers of Jesus are warmly invited into the throne room. God does not grant this amazing privilege grudgingly, but willingly.
Take a moment today to reflect on this awesome truth. Pray for grace to really believe it. And take that step of faith: approach the Lord’s loving throne and ask for all you need.
Tuesday 4th February – Ephesians 3:7-11 ‘The boundless riches of Christ’
We hear a lot about enormous wealth today. Certainly, the figures quoted can be mind-boggling. Last week’s stock-market dip caused by news of a cheap AI competitor wiped about $600 billion off tech share prices; indeed, the spectacularly wealthy individuals who own some of these tech companies lost about $100 billion in their own personal wealth. In a day. For context: $100 billion is roughly enough to provide permanent housing or accommodation for every homeless person in America…. or buy malaria vaccines for the entire continent of Africa.
Most of us can’t imagine it. It is, literally, unimaginable wealth. But there is someone who is even richer. Much, much richer in fact. This person’s riches are not just unimaginable, they are inexhaustible. The word that Paul uses in today’s passage is ‘boundless’ (v8).
And not just boundless – eternal (v11). One thing we know about all these other individuals’ spectacular wealth is that it doesn’t last. They can’t keep it themselves beyond their own lifetime; and, even if they do pass it on to their relations, it does eventually disappear.
In a world which monetises everything, we urgently need to recapture a sense of what true riches are. Here in this passage, Paul gets us on the right track. The One we need to look to is none other than Jesus Christ. Everything that makes us truly rich – love, joy, peace, hope, purpose, relationship, security, forgiveness, community, not just in this world but the next, too – is found in him.
Paul was given this ‘secret’ – indeed he discovered personally that no-one is beyond Christ’s love, and this awesome revelation fired his passion to share this ‘secret’ with as many as possible (vv8-9).
We live in difficult times, and many of us will always face the temptation to worry about money and other material provision in our lives. May we find true hope and inspiration in today’s passage. According to God’s eternal promise, Christ has all the ‘riches’ we really need. What do you need to ask him for today?
Monday 3rd February – Ephesians 3:1-6 ‘The mystery of Christ’
Many of us love a good mystery. Flick through any TV guide, or scroll through any streaming service, and you’ll see dozens of ‘mysteries’: whether detective dramas, natural history and science programmes, true crime, reality TV, or quiz shows. In each instance there are mysteries to solve, even if the mystery sometimes is: why would anyone choose to watch this?!
Some mysteries are much more serious. We all have hard questions we can’t answer, often based on our own life experiences, or those of others. God is bigger than our limited minds can fully grasp – it follows, then, that we can’t explain everything about the life, the universe and everything.
There is, though, one mystery that is perhaps more important than any other in all of history. And thankfully this mystery has been comprehensively revealed and declared to a waiting world, fully two thousand years ago. The mystery is this: who really has access to God? Or, to put it another way: who can know life forever and share in God’s eternal rest?
Many cultures have tried to answer that question, and the answer is usually that access is restricted to certain people. Any faithful Jew of Paul’s generation would naturally and automatically have said that the Lord chose a certain people as his own, and only those either born or grafted into that people would receive their divine inheritance. This is what Paul himself believed for many years; so passionately that he viciously oppressed others – followers of Jesus – who disagreed with him.
But this same Paul had a revelation (v3) – one so powerful it changed his life. It’s what he now describes to his readers as ‘the mystery of Christ’ (v4): one which was not revealed to previous generations of faithful worshippers of God, but is now clear to see (v5), and which Paul has been uniquely commissioned to share with as many people as possible (v2). In fact, he is so convinced of his calling to do so, that, not only is he repeatedly imprisoned for it (v1), he also disrupts the flow of this letter for a whole chapter to remind his readers what it is….
The mystery is simply this: thanks to Christ, everyone now has access to God. Christ opens the door to all peoples, all races and cultures, all ages and backgrounds: rich, poor, young old. All who come to Christ are heirs of the same inheritance, all part of God’s global family, which they all share equally (v6).
We’ve looked in detail at these amazing truths in previous reflections; however, as we begin our week, what Paul does here is a healthy reminder that we can never repeat these blessings too often. It is the best news we ever heard! Like Paul, may we never lose that sense of awe, of wonder, that this glorious mystery has been revealed to us, that we might share in its life-giving love and power. And may the Lord direct our paths to pray for those we know who we’d love to embrace this mystery… and, who knows, maybe we can play a part in ‘revealing’ it to them?
Saturday 1st February – Psalm 27 ‘The Dwelling’
As we conclude our week, a beautiful Psalm which looks at yesterday’s theme of the temple as the place where God dwells…
At the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Flower Show at Tatton Park in July 2023 there was a very unusual entry: it was a garden based on this very psalm – Psalm 27 – and was sponsored by the Bible Society. Its designer was a young man called Ollie Pike, and if you want to find out the inspiration behind it, you can view that here.
Ollie first heard the Psalm at a funeral, and it really touched his soul. ‘It really spoke to me of hope and courage,’ he says, and these are sentiments which King David, the author of Psalm 27, would certainly have agreed with. As is often the case, David writes the psalm in a situation of peril. On this occasion we don’t know the particular threat, but he talks about ‘the wicked [who] advance against me to devour me’ (v2), and ‘the desire of my foes… spouting malicious accusations’ (v12).
Where does David find hope and courage? (v1) ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?’ Yet, this remains contested territory in his soul, so to speak; there is anxiety lurking in his cries of vv7-8: ‘Hear my voice when I call, Lord… do not hide your face from me.’
Ultimately, in this psalm David finds his refuge in a particular place, which forms the heart of his prayer: (vv4-5) ‘One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling.’
The temple was the place where God dwelt; and viewed today through the lens of the New Testament, the extraordinary truth for followers of Jesus is that we are now the temple, because the Lord now dwells in us, by his Spirit – both as a community (Ephesians 2:21-22) and as individuals (1 Corinthians 6:19). Wow!
We can, therefore, ‘dwell’ in God right now, right where we are; we can gaze on the Lord’s beauty and seek his face. For Ollie Pike, the verse that speaks most to him is near the end: (v13) ‘I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.’ May that be a verse of hope and courage for us, too – and, today, may God grant us grace to be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord.
Friday 31st January – Ephesians 2:21-22 ‘Built together’
Today we return to the temple image one more time. Before we unpack that, let’s take a moment to remember the actual temple which stood in Jerusalem at the time Paul wrote this letter. This was called the ‘Second Temple’ and it was vast, and monumentally impressive. Although the Holy of Holies – the central building – was built to specifications prescribed by the Lord (90 feet long, 30 feet wide and 45 feet high), the whole Temple Mount complex ran to some 36 acres and included several different court areas, as well as hundreds of feet of colonnades. It had to be big – any of the major festivals would attract tens of thousands of pilgrims, often more the doubling the actual population of Jerusalem.
Imagine, then, the power of what Paul is saying here: you are the temple now. God lives in each of your hearts by his Spirit. But, more than that, he also lives in you as a community. Yesterday, we discovered that the cornerstone of this new temple is Jesus himself, and its foundations are the apostles (i.e. Jesus’ chosen leaders and the teaching they gave which formed the New Testament) and the prophets – and this includes not just the Old Testament prophets but those gifted after Pentecost with the gift of prophecy, too. Since a prophet literally means a ‘mouth’ for God, then what Paul is saying is that the foundation of the church is not its human structures, but the voice and direction of the Lord.
With those foundations, then we, as a community of believers, each with the Spirit in our hearts, can be built into a spiritual building where God dwells, sharing the love of God with each other and reflecting that love to the world. We are all, if you like, stones in that structure, each important to the stones around it, each a part of the whole structure. If your stone isn’t there, there’s a gap and a weakness!
This building, at one level, is never complete – it rises, Paul says: in other words, it keeps being built, new stones keep being added. So, unlike the original temple, it’s never finished as such, because God keeps building it. But, as it keeps growing, this simple truth endures: God dwells here, in our community of believers. Our worship to the Lord is like the beams which hold it together, our care for each other is like the cement between the stones.
As we give thanks today for the awesome privilege that God dwells right here, with us, let’s resolve – and pray – to look after this temple. After all, it’s where the King lives, by his Spirit.
Thursday 30th January – Ephesians 2:19-20 ‘Christ the Cornerstone’
On 19th March 1882, the cornerstone was laid for a major new church in Barcelona. Originally conceived as a beautiful, but fairly conventional, late-19th century design, the project was taken over a year later by Antoni Gaudi and completely transformed. Today, in 2025, 143 years after the laying of the cornerstone, it is still being built – and due for completion next year!
It is of course the world-famous Sagrada Familia. I’ve been privileged to visit the basilica twice – in 2002 with my wife and then again with the kids in 2012. It is my favourite building in the whole world, and apart from its stunning and unique beauty, what makes it so special, so exciting, is that it’s one of the only places in the world where you get to see a majestic holy place being built right before your eyes. We often marvel at how the great mediaeval craftsmen could build churches with basic tools and wooden scaffolds – and the Sagrada Familia gives you a window into that world.
In this final section of chapter 2, Paul reminds us that another wonderful building is also being built before our eyes: the household of God. We’ll look tomorrow at how this ‘holy temple’ includes all of us, how we all have part to play in this divine building project. Today, though, let’s start with the fundamental item which holds it all together: the cornerstone – who is, of course, Jesus (v20).
From the moment of Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus becomes the new temple. He made this very point in the Gospel of John: ‘Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in 3 days.’ What a strange thing to say! Never mind 140 years for the Sagrada Familia, or 500 years for the Second Temple, in whose courtyard he was standing at the time; here he was, saying he could rebuild it in 3 days? But his friend John understood the meaning: ‘the temple he had spoken of was his body.’ (John 2:21)
From the literal body of Christ to the spiritual body of Christ – we are now built on Jesus, ‘the chief cornerstone.’ In doing so, Christ’s wonderful atoning work reverses all the ‘barriers’ in vv11-13 we looked at on Monday (v19). We were foreigners and strangers – but are now no longer so. We were without God, but are now fellow citizens of God’s people. We were without hope, but are now members of his household (with all the privileges and blessings that confers). Finally, we were separate from Christ, but are now built on him, our Cornerstone. We even have the firm foundation of the apostles and prophets to rely on.
A cornerstone is solid, secure, immovable. Christ is that for us! May that thought give you hope today, and may he grant us all grace to plant our feet firmly on this Rock. Amen.
Wednesday 29th January – Ephesians 2:16-18 ‘Peace near and far’
There’s been a lot of big, historic news over the past week. In particular, the haunting commemorations at Auschwitz on Monday and the fragile ceasefire brokered in Gaza last week have reminded us, in their different ways, of the continuing need for, and value of, peace.
Peace is a word with many facets or dimensions. The original word in the bible is the Hebrew shalom, which is usually translated ‘peace’, but its meaning is much broader: it means completeness or wholeness, the sense of everything being put right, perfected. This kind of shalom is much more than merely the absence of conflict, it is an active state of complete wellbeing.
The great Old Testament prophecies, particularly those found in Isaiah, also promised that a new era of peace was coming, with a unique focal point: a child would be born, who would carry divine authority, and would usher in and oversee this restoration of all things. And this child will have wonderful names, including perhaps the loveliest of all, the Prince of Peace. Or, to use the original word, the Prince of Shalom.
When Jesus was born, these great prophecies were fulfilled: the Prince of Shalom had come! No wonder the angels cried out at his birth: ‘on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests!’ (Luke 2:14). And in today’s passage, Paul makes it clear that Jesus brought this divine shalom through both his life and his death. In his ministry, Jesus did not just preach peace to those who were near, who expected to receive it, but also to those who were far away: think of the widow at Nain, the Gentile centurion, the parties he attended with unrespectable ‘sinners’, the Samaritan who was the only one of ten returning to thank him. Jesus reached out to those who had been excluded, and welcomed them in.
He also supremely achieved peace through his death – indeed, alongside bringing peace between us and God, Jesus also put to death our human hostilities and divisions on the cross. From that point on, all of us – every human being – can come to the Lord on an equal footing. It follows naturally, then, that if we all have equal access to God, then there is no need for ‘them and us’ tribalism. There are no second-class citizens in heaven: (v18) ‘through Jesus we both [you could say all – Jews and non-Jews] – have access to the Father by one Spirit.’
Christ is our peace, bringing all of us who were far away from God near to him; Christ is our peace, bringing groups that were hostile to each other into the same redeemed and renewed humanity. Today, may the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. And may we pray for and share that peace, that shalom, with others. How might you do that today?
Tuesday 28th January – Ephesians 2:14-15 ‘One new humanity’
Last week we celebrated the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It’s a worthy aim, and vital to our credibility as a witnessing body of Christ, as Jesus himself prays: ‘Then the world will know that you sent me.’ (John 17:23). But sometimes it’s worth asking: what is the true basis of our unity? It’s tempting to reduce it to something vague and ‘cuddly’: the sort of ‘all you need is love’ message popularised in the 1960s.
The truth is much deeper and more profound than that. It lies at the heart of what Jesus achieved through his death and resurrection, and forms the focus of our passage for today. To set the scene: it is a fundamental part of our fallen human condition for humans to be divided. We naturally find ourselves drawn to ‘them and us’ ways of seeing the world.
These divisions are even reflected in the worshipping life of God’s chosen people, as evidenced by the architecture of the old temple at Jerusalem. There were several ‘courts’ in which people could gather, but access was restricted to some of them. For example, the ‘dividing wall’ Paul refers to in v14 is not just an image, it was an actual wall in the temple: between the Court of the Gentiles (i.e. non-Jews, which anyone could enter) and the Court of the Jews (which only Jews could enter). The wall itself was no less than five feet thick! A huge physical sign of a spiritual separation.
The amazing news that Paul communicates to his readers here is that, thanks to Jesus, this wall has been destroyed. The barrier between God’s historic chosen people and the rest of humanity has been removed. Not literally at this point – though that would actually happen a few years later, when the Roman army sacked the temple in 70AD – but spiritually, and permanently. All people now have equal access to God through Jesus. No more walls!
We can all enter the presence of God, because Christ’s atoning work deals with our failure to obey him, regardless of whether we are Jews or from another culture; this is the meaning of that difficult phrase in v15, ‘setting aside in his flesh the law’. The Law was designed to help us live right with God, but in fact it only served to emphasise how far we all (whatever our background) fail to manage it. It condemns us, rather than frees us. So, it needed to be ‘set aside’ – and, thanks to Jesus our Peace, it was.
And, as Paul emphasises, this access is not just to save individuals, but to create – or re-create, you might say – a new humanity: (v15) ‘His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace.’
This is the true basis of our unity. We are part of a new humanity, set right with God and freed to live in love with him and in peace each other. Beautiful unity indeed! In a world still fractured by division, how we need this glorious good news more than ever. Why not pray for our sisters and brothers today, all across the world – including Messianic Jews (who follow Jesus) and those living in any countries dear to your heart – that we would truly live as a one new humanity, declaring the praises of the One who brought us out of darkness into his marvellous light. Amen!
Monday 27th January – Ephesians 2:11-13 ‘Brought near’
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of one of England’s most famous kings, Henry VIII. Arguably no monarch in British history ruled with more power than King Henry in the later years of his reign. To get an idea of the splendour of his court, Hampton Court Palace – his usual seat of government – was typically attended by up to 1,000 courtiers. Access to the king was strictly controlled. First there was the courtyard; then the Great Hall for more distinguished guests. From the Great Hall you entered the Guard Chamber – and finally, only the most elite, or those with permission to conduct urgent business, would be allowed from the Guard Chamber into the Privy Chamber, where the King would be sat under a royal canopy.
In other words, it was almost impossible to get near the king. In all likelihood, you needed favour with someone more important to bring you in from afar, and get you near to the throne.
In today’s passage, Paul describes a similar situation for those who were not originally part of God’s people. In fact, he lists no less than five barriers blocking our path to God: we are excluded from citizenship in God’s people and foreigners to the covenants of promise – the specific blessings God had promised to his chosen people. Add in the other three – separate from Christ, without hope and without God – our position appears utterly hopeless. No possible chance of access to the Privy Chamber, then…
But now…. Here Paul gets to one of his great ‘buts’: (v13) ‘But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.’ It turns out there is someone who can get us, not only into the courtyard, through the Great Hall, past the Guard Chamber, into the Privy Chamber, but even right to the throne itself. That person is Jesus.
It is Jesus’ death on the cross that brings all of humanity, who were once far away, the opportunity to be near to God. And, amazing as this news is for each and every one of us as individuals, the consequences run bigger than that. What Jesus is doing is re-creating the people of God as the global body of Christ: a body open to everyone, of every age, culture and background, Jew and non-Jew alike. It is the kingdom of the heavens available to all across the face of the whole earth.
Tomorrow we’ll look at the consequences of that in a bit more detail. But today, let’s rejoice that this good news is for us. Whoever we are whatever our background, Jesus’ atoning work brings us near to God. We are able to stand in his presence, receive his eternal love and share our lives with him.
Now that you are near to God, what will you say to him today?
Saturday 25th January – Psalm 1 ‘The Tree’
As we conclude our week, a Psalm which looks at yesterday’s theme of a fruitful life rooted in God from a different perspective – using an image from creation.
The bible is full of rich images of what it means to truly live in the abundant life of God. Psalm 1 describes one such (particularly good) image: the tree. Our lives were designed by God to be like a tree.
I must confess that I love trees. I love being close to them, just standing in their presence, admiring their size, their beauty, their dignity. Trees are one of the greatest parts of God’s creation. They heal, they shelter, they stand strong and firm in all weather. They just are. Or rather, they have been, they are and they will be. That sense of majestic permanence is part of their appeal.
God calls us to be like that: trees which reflect his glory. Psalm 1 shows us why and how. First, we need roots. This psalm places our roots firmly in the Word of God – v2 delighting in ‘the law of the Lord’ – and the Spirit of God. The biblical image of water in v3 usually connects with God’s presence, so this tree planted by a stream can easily be understood to mean one who is constantly refreshed by the water of God’s presence – his Spirit.
Second, we bear fruit. We all know that spring is coming when the buds appear on trees – as they will be soon (hopefully!). In summer those buds blossom into leaves and even fruit. A tree ‘yields its fruit in season’ (v3). So should our lives. Nourished by Word and Spirit, we stand where we are and bear fruit for our Lord.
Finally, this Psalm contrasts the rootedness and fruitfulness of such a person with the alternative. Those who do not go deep with God ‘are like chaff that the wind blows away.’ (v4) Blown here and there by wherever the current of our culture leads, such lives ultimately cannot prosper. They may flower for a while, but the shaking of the wind proves fatal.
If you can, take a moment today to find a tree and spend time admiring it. God is calling you to be such a tree: rooted in his Word, nourished by his Spirit, fruitful, strong and dignified. You probably don’t feel much like that – none of us do – but by His amazing grace, that is what we can all become.
Reading Psalm 1 today, how might you keep growing into this beautiful calling?
Friday 24th January – Ephesians 2:8-10 ‘God’s handiwork’
For Alise’s birthday last year, we enjoyed a host of creative opportunities. We decorated bowls, made glasswork and also painted pictures. I tried my hand at copying ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh, one of my favourite paintings: to be honest, my effort was mediocre (to put it kindly) – but just trying was great fun and hugely satisfying.
There’s something very precious about the act of creating. It goes to the heart of what it means for human beings to bear the image of God. It’s no accident that, straight after God’s great act of creation at the start of the bible, we’re told that human beings were made ‘in his image’. This image of the Creator means lots of things – a unique capacity for relationship, wonder, intellectual curiosity and insight, organisation – but the most obvious element of this image is right there in front of us: we are creators because we bear the image of the ultimate Creator.
But God’s act of creation didn’t stop after the first two chapters of Genesis. God is constantly creating; and his ultimate expression of that creative instinct is…. us. This amazing passage of Ephesians ends with this fabulous phrase: we are ‘God’s handiwork’ (v10). God is creating – or perhaps better re-creating – us into the people we were made to be. The more we grow in faith and become like Jesus, the more we become truly ourselves. There’s a thought for a Friday!
This act of creating is designed to have consequences. Unlike a beautiful piece of art, which is primarily created to be enjoyed and to stimulate our hearts and minds, God’s act of re-creation in us leads to ‘good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ A beautiful life produces beautiful fruit. People’s lives around us change for the better, the world becomes a slightly more loving place, the kingdom of God grows a little bit more.
This was God’s intention all along (‘prepared in advance’). At one level it doesn’t matter that we probably didn’t know that! What matters now is that God still has good things for us to do. Even as we get older, that still applies: prayer is probably the most powerful ‘work’ anyone can do. This is not about physical capacity but spiritual insight and obedience.
So, today, the obvious question, I guess: what has God got for you to do? Even if you can’t answer that now, pray that you might get to the end of the day thankful that he used you in some way. And, however the day pans out, never forget that you are God’s handiwork – his Starry Night (or insert whatever your favourite piece of art is here). God loves what he is creating in you.
Thursday 23rd January – Ephesians 2:6-7 ‘Citizens of heaven’
When I visited Rome about 30 years ago, one of the memorable things that happened was that I nearly had my passport stolen. (Lots of good things happened, too!) I remember it was a blazing hot day, and I wanted to visit a particular church. I was studying Renaissance art – or ‘brown pictures of Mary,’ as my provocatively uncultured friend used to call it – and there was an altarpiece I was keen to see. I left my travelling companion sat outside – with my bag – while I went in.
When I came out, she had gone a pallid white, despite the hot weather. It turned out that, as she was resting, a couple of chancers had managed to pinch my bag; fortunately, she had spotted it straight away and shouted loudly to the whole street – at which point they dropped the bag and ran off. ‘Good thing, too,’ I said. ‘I’d left my passport in it!’ At which point she went an even more deathly white – and then red with rage at my stupidity!
We find ourselves in a time when questions of national identity are coming ever more to the fore again – if they ever went away. Nationalism (and its accompanying divisions) is sadly on the rise all over the world. Closer to home, the law takes an ever closer look at proving identity – passports are now required to do almost anything, it seems. For example, I have to check them (or a driving licence) for every couple getting married in church – so they can prove that they are who they say they are.
Most of us are fortunate to carry a passport – I say fortunate, as it not only confers identity, but also indicates that we are able to travel – but today’s passage reminds us that every follower of Jesus has two passports: their physical one, and then their spiritual one, too. When we come to Christ, we effectively gain a new citizenship. Alongside our earthly citizenship, we also become citizens of heaven.
The amazing thing is that this citizenship starts now: note the tense of verse 6: ‘And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.’ Seated. Past tense. It happened when we came to Christ and believed in him. In fact, what this amazing first part of the letter makes clear is that all of Christ’s blessings as God’s Son are conferred (through him) onto us, too. We are also chosen from eternity, adopted as his children, filled with his Spirit – and now, raised and seated with him in the heavenly realms.
What will one day be our final, eternal reality is ours in part right now. We are citizens of heaven, carrying the Lord’s spiritual passport with us always, as we live on this earth. Wow! What a thought to take with you into this day. And, as you give thanks for that amazing truth: what might that mean for you – to live as a citizen of heaven – today?
Wednesday 22nd January – Ephesians 2:4-5 ‘Great love, rich mercy’
Yesterday we looked at the ‘old ways’ – the habits and patterns of behaviour that define every generation of humanity. The great question is, of course: if those are the old ways, is there a ‘new’ one? How does God get us out of this mess?
Let’s affirm right at the start of our reflection today – only God can. The evidence of thousands of years of human civilisation is that self-improvement is limited and temporary. Without some extra help, the old ways remain largely in-tact. Deep down, we all know this to be true!
The answer is… grace. What Philip Yancey calls the ‘last, best word’ of the English language. He defines it thus: ‘Nothing we do can make God love us more; nothing we do can make God love us less.’
Grace means that God takes the initiative. He does it because of who he is – rich in mercy – and how he acts as a result: with great love for us. He does it regardless of whether we love him, or even acknowledge him. He does it anyway, risks rejection, keeps moving towards us; and if we respond he doesn’t exact his pound of flesh, he rejoices and showers his blessings upon us. Like the father in Jesus’ famous story of the lost son, he simply chooses to forget our long rejection of him.
It is a gift – indeed the word ‘grace’ in Greek basically means ‘gift’. We get what we don’t deserve i.e. life instead of death: ‘God… made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.’ It is God Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace.
How the world still needs grace! Most things run on ‘ungrace’ – you get what you earn, you reach the level you deserve, and if you mess up, you pay the price. Grace declares to a tired and thirsty world: Jesus paid the price on your behalf, so that God can make you whole (that’s what the word ‘saved’ means).
This short passage truly forms the beating heart of our faith, our good news. God makes us alive in Christ, thanks to his great love and rich mercy; thanks to what Jesus did for us, through his cross and resurrection. Take some time simply to rejoice in this truth, to praise our great God, and to live in the light of his glorious grace – today and every day.
Tuesday 21st January – Ephesians 2:1-3 ‘The old ways’
A couple of years ago I read ‘The Old Ways’ by Robert McFarlane. It’s brilliant book: an exploration of the ancient paths which criss-cross our land, and which have been walked for thousands of years. Many are still footpaths and bridleways, even today, and it’s fascinating to capture that sense of walking the same paths that humans have trod for generation after generation.
The idea of ‘the old ways’, the paths that humanity treads and re-treads year after year, generation after generation, applies to the spiritual life as well; and, in the opening verses of chapter 2, Paul makes it clear what these paths are. It is one of the hardest hitting paragraphs in all scripture, but also one of the most important. Like the bitter-tasting medicine we know will do us good, verses 1-3 describe the fundamental problem of the human condition: our state of rebellion against God.
In the traditional language of the Christian faith, the roots of sin affect us in three dimensions: the flesh, the world and the devil. We see all of these roots at work here: ‘the cravings of our flesh… its desires and thoughts’ (v3) – in other words, our basic impulses as individuals to do things we shouldn’t.
Then there’s ‘the world’: ‘the ways of this world… those who are disobedient… all of us lived among them at one time’ (vv2-3) – in other words, peer pressure, the power that groups of people have to enforce a way of living. Most of us like to fit in; sadly, fitting in can often lead us to do the wrong thing, if the alternative is criticism or ostracism.
Finally, there’s the devil: ‘the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient’ (v2). The great success of the devil lies in us giving him too much attention (so we obsess) or too little (so we reduce him to a pantomime villain, with horns and a pitchfork). But there is a real spiritual power of evil, whose most effective strategies are simply to encourage our natural inclinations. The flesh and the world can easily hide the one pulling the strings. But let’s note that the devil’s kingdom is ultimately a myth: it is ‘of the air’ – it’s all around us, but insubstantial. The devil will never match God, the ruler of heaven and earth, whose kingdom is real.
The hardest thing for human beings to accept is the truth. These are our ‘old ways’. But it’s not the end of the story, not by a long shot. The following verses lead us wonderfully off the ancient paths and into the light. But, as we reflect soberly on this passage today, may the declaration we make in a baptism service be our prayer, and our hope: ‘Fight valiantly as a disciple of Christ against sin, the world and the devil; and remain faithful to Christ to the end of your life. And may almighty God deliver us all from the powers of darkness, restore in us the image of his glory, and lead us in the light and obedience of Christ.’ Amen.
Monday 20th January: John 17:15-23 ‘That they may be one’
Saturday began the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. So, we also take a brief break from Ephesians today to honour the importance of this week, and what it means for us.
This is a subject dear to our hearts, since our team of churches in Walton is an ecumenical one: that is, we are a united community representing several Christian traditions, all committed to each other, for the glory of God. It is not an easy path: for churches like ours to function well requires a lot of grace and understanding. But the price is worth it, as I believe – and still believe! – that churches like ours are a true reflection of God’s heart, of his longing for a renewed people who truly live as one global family. This is, after all, what Jesus prays for us in today’s iconic passage.
It is tempting to join a church where people are ‘all like us’: but true discipleship calls us to go beyond our naturally limited ambitions. Christ came for all of us, and all of our sisters and brothers are precious. To be one is not to be the same, but rather to celebrate our uniqueness and diversity within a common vision that what unites us is always more than what divides us.
This is the path we have chosen. It probably won’t ever look ‘successful’, but it is precious and beautiful, and we pray that God will be merciful to us and continue to bless us.
So, let’s pray today for our church, that we might continue to celebrate our oneness, for the glory of God. But let’s also pray for our team, for churches across Milton Keynes and ultimately for churches across the world, that unity would grow. As our world seems to be ever more divided, it has never been more important for the church to be a prophetic sign of loving unity, of seeing human barriers broken down and covered over by the grace of God.
And may God grant us grace to be one, that ‘the world might know that you sent me, and have loved them, even as you have loved me’ (v23). Amen.
Saturday 18th January – Ephesians 1:22-23 ‘Christ and his church’
There are lots of images for the Church in the bible. We are Jesus’ bride; we are a family; we are a light, shining out into the world; we are a place where God dwells (more on that in chapter 2). As we draw this amazing chapter to a close, Paul invites us to see the Church in two other powerful ways:
First, we are the body of Christ. Here, Paul develops what he was saying in the previous verses: if Christ has ultimate authority over everything, then that includes the Church. He is its Head. The word ‘head’ means both source and directing power/influence, and both meanings apply here. There would be no church without Jesus, so he is inevitably the source of the Church. He also directs its purpose and growth. As Christians we are joined to this Head – and so, quite rightly, we can function as Christ’s body.
In other places, this image is developed to take on a more practical application: see, for example, 1 Corinthians 12, where we all have our part to play as members of this body. St Teresa of Avila famously comments: ‘Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world.’
However, in these verses, it’s less about the practical application than our fundamental relationship to Christ as our Head. He’s in charge! And there is a wonderful postscript to this idea of Christ exercising his unique authority in all things for the church – we are described as his ‘fullness’. Lots of ink has been spilt as to which direction this fullness works: does it mean that Christ is not complete without his Church? Possibly. More likely, it’s the other way round: Christ’s ‘fullness’ fills the Church.
There is so much talk about the decline of the Church in Western culture – and some of it is true and valid. But there is a deeper truth: whatever its size or strength in human terms, Christ fills his Church. He has everything the Church needs to flourish and grow. The Church will endure, one way or another, because Christ fills it – and his life and authority are both eternal.
As we close this week, give thanks that the Church is not just a human institution – it is the body of Christ. And let’s all pray that Christ fills it, and continues to fill it – in our services tomorrow, in our community life together, in our witness to the world, always.
Friday 17th January – Ephesians 1:19-21 ‘Far above all authority’
There is nowhere you can go where you can escape human authority. It is true that there are some pieces of land on earth which are ‘unclaimed’ – but that is for the simple reason that there is no reason to claim them: they are totally uninhabitable. Every habitable piece of land on this planet is owned by somebody, or their ownership is disputed by two or more claimants.
You can’t escape on the sea – sovereign nations ‘own’ the water up to twelve miles from their coastline, and any crime committed on a boat or ship in the middle of the ocean sits under the jurisdiction of the place where that vessel is registered. The same goes for airplanes – so you can’t even evade the law five or six miles above the earth!
In fact, you can go much higher, and still not escape the long arm of the law. Even on the International Space Station (orbiting 250 miles above the earth), were a crime to be committed, there are rules governing who would prosecute it. Useful info for any of you budding astronauts!
Human beings are as good at making rules as breaking them. Anarchy never lasts – we instinctively create hierarchies, with rule and authority. In fact, we love levels of authority: stoutly defending our level against those below us, and hoping for an opportunity to ascend to join those above us. In my old company, I started as a Trainee Researcher, then became a Junior researcher, then a plain old Researcher, a Senior Researcher, a Manager, and finally an Associate Director, where my journey ended. But I could have gone on to become a Research Director, a Divisional Director, a Board Director and ultimately a Managing Director!
In the end, though, all forms of human authority are limited and temporary (though sadly many power-hungry leaders try to defeat this truth, with disastrous results). There is, though, an altogether higher source of power. It’s the power which raised Christ from the dead. It’s the power that seated him at the right hand of God Almighty. It’s so great, it sits ‘far above’ everything else. Everything. You sense that Paul is running out words as he tries to communicate to us just how much greater Jesus us than everything and everyone else: ‘all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.’ Every type of authority, in every place, at every time.
This is the Lord we worship! This is who we pray to. This is what raises our faith, and inspires our hope. Jesus has it all. Let that thought sink in for a few minutes today; and may it energise your prayers and empower your living today. Amen!
Thursday 16th January – Ephesians 1:18-19 ‘Hope, riches and power’
It’s the season of New Year’s resolutions. I wonder if you made any? Or if you have a wish-list for 2025? I must confess I don’t really make new year’s resolutions – the sense of inevitable failure is too much for me! But many of us carry dreams and desires for how our lives should be…
Such a feeling is natural, human. We all have God-given impulses, a yearning for transcendence. Most people pray – even those who would not call themselves adherents of any faith, Christian or otherwise. But what to pray for?
What’s so fascinating about today’s passage is that Paul prays for things which most people want: hope, riches and power. It’s interesting, isn’t it? So often we think of faith as being disconnected from reality, or inhabiting a different realm. But this sounds so…. earthy.
The key, of course, is where we can find such things. What’s problematic about, say, riches and power, is that people who seek those are usually in it for themselves. Their riches, their power. Paul, however, subverts this idea completely. It’s not wrong to want these things, you can imagine him saying, but you’ve got to look for them in the right places:
Our hope is not found in externals, like qualifications, money, parental support, a good CV – it’s in our calling. The calling that Paul has just outlined over the last seventeen verses.
Our riches are not ours at all – they’re God’s. What we have are spiritual riches: chosen from eternity, adopted into God’s family, set free and filled with his Holy Spirit – a glorious inheritance indeed!
Our power is, again, not ours – it’s God’s. It’s his incomparably great power working on our behalf. The power to save us, to give us life, to transform us. We can’t do these things for ourselves.
Many years ago, I had a friend who told me once about their SFGTD box. ‘What’s that?’ I asked them one day. ‘Oh, that – it’s my Something For God To Do box. Whenever I have a prayer need that I can’t fix myself, I put it in the SFGTD box, and leave it with the Lord.’
I like that. It doesn’t have to be a real box, obviously! But if you have that kind of need, why not put it into your SFGTD box today? God has all the hope, riches and power you need for it.
Wednesday 15th January – Ephesians 1:15-17 ‘I keep asking…’
I wonder what you like to pray for? If any of us took a good look at the content of our prayers, we would likely find that most of us – me included – focus a lot on practical requests. And that’s fine: Jesus encourages us to ask God for what we need today (our daily bread), and there’s no harm in naming those things. Or, indeed, naming others who need particular things, too.
But I always find it helpful to look at the content of biblical prayers – especially the prayers of St Paul in the letters he wrote. Whenever I read them, it seems to open out a new dimension for me in prayer. It’s like Paul is praying on a different plane; you might say, a deeper foundation. It’s the difference between asking to be given bread and asking to learn how to bake. Now that would be something, wouldn’t it?
Nowehere is this clearer than in this amazing letter. Paul often has a prayer he prays for the church to which he is writing somewhere near the start of his letter. The prayer in Ephesians is a few verses later than normal, and with good reason: he’s just written some of the greatest and most inspiring theology anyone has ever put down on paper. So, ‘for this reason’ (as he now says), it’s no surprise that his first prayer is this: (v17) ‘I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.’
In other words, what Paul prays is that we would really grasp all this fantastic stuff he’s been sharing in the previous verses! That we would know, deep in our inmost being, that all of these blessings are for all of us, every follower of Christ. Not just some of us, or the privileged few – but all of us.
If we really did grasp these things, and live on the basis that all of these blessings were true and real, then naturally we would truly know God (better). It would be the air we breathe, the song we sing. So, this is really a prayer about focus; because the reality is that most of us feel these things, or know these things, some of the time, but not all the time. We let our focus drift, and let the world tell us a different story: we’re not special, we’re not loved or chosen or free. And we lose heart.
I think that’s why this is a prayer that Paul keeps asking – not just once, but often. He knows people; he knows life. He knows we get discouraged. So, today, let’s be inspired by Paul’s example and take him at his word. Let’s keep asking. Let’s keep asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to know God better: to grasp the spiritual blessings we already have, and to live with the freedom, purpose and joy that knowing these things brings.
And let’s pray that for others, too, remembering them as Paul remembers his readers. Pass it on!
Tuesday 14th January – Ephesians 1:13-14 ‘The heavenly down-payment’
For many hundreds of years, a wax seal has been used to mark letters of importance. A seal indicates both the sender and the authority attached to the contents of the letter. You may be surprised to learn that the practice is still in use today. When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married in 2018 they required a royal ‘Instrument of Consent’. This is the official document giving the monarch’s permission for them to wed. Like all royal documents it was marked with The Great Seal – proof that the late Queen had authorised it and given her blessing.
As we’ve feasted on these early verses of the letter, and outlined all the wonderful spiritual blessings God has given us in Christ, we can also observe that Paul is addressing a simple, but very important question: how can we know if we’re part of God’s people? If we’re forgiven and secure in his love?
The writer has listed many compelling reasons: how God chose us and adopted us into His family, how Jesus set us free through the cross, how God’s grace demonstrates the wisdom of God. But here, Paul concludes this opening section by offering a very concrete proof: we are sealed with the gift of God’s Holy Spirit. Since a seal denotes the authority of the giver, the Holy Spirit represents the authority of none other than God himself declaring that we are his, that we are saved and chosen and set free to be part of his family forever.
Wow! And the consequence is naturally this: it guarantees everything else. If we bear the seal of the King of kings, then we can be sure that all of the other blessings are ours as well.
At this point, Paul switches image, but it’s quite a helpful switch as it makes the same point in a different way. He encourages us to see the gift of the Holy Spirit as a deposit which acts as a guarantee. We’re used to doing this when acquiring something valuable: a holiday, a new electronic item, even a house. How much more the gift of eternal life and heavenly blessings! The Holy Spirit is God’s down-payment in our lives – both a foretaste and a guarantee of what is to come.
No wonder Paul concludes this section with these words: ‘to the praise of his glory.’ It’s the third time he has used this phrase – see also v6 and v12. It’s as if, every time he talks about this stuff, he can’t stop breaking out into praise. I want to have this kind of faith! Life is hard, and it’s easy to get weighed down. Life was even harder for Paul – and yet, he anchors himself in the things he can never lose, and which bring him daily joy. May this be our reality, too. Ask the Holy Spirit – God’s own deposit in your life – to fill you with joy today: that your life would indeed be to the praise of his glory. Amen.
Monday 13th January – Ephesians 1:11-13a ‘In him’
There are lots of crises currently enveloping our world at present – but one of the biggest, and least noticed, is a crisis of identity. Millions of people find themselves asking this question, and not getting an answer: ‘Just who am I?’
It used to be easier to answer this question three or four generations ago. Your identity was determined by your roots, both family and geographic. If you were born into a certain place or culture, that was who you were – everything else flowed out of that. I’m not suggesting that these were the ‘good old days’, or that we should automatically go back to them; the major drawback of these strong, self-sustaining cultures is that anyone who wanted to get out of them had a hard time doing so.
But this sense of conferred identity did have one huge advantage, which we’ve now largely lost: people knew who they were – for good or ill, they had an identity. Since the 1960s (roughly), this has all changed. We’re told now that every individual creates their own identity, and this is presented to us as a good thing. Pick and choose the bits you like; ‘be who you want to be.’ Sadly, however, what we’ve learned is that it’s not that simple. Identity is found in community – individually constructed identities simply mean that we’re all totally alone; and usually either insecure or dissatisfied, or both. Put bluntly, it doesn’t work – and it makes us miserable.
St Paul would have known nothing of our cultural crisis. Pretty much all societies until the 1960s (and most non-Western cultures even now) understood, even assumed, that identity is only found in community. However, what he does say about identity in this amazing letter is perhaps even more important and relevant to Western society (and especially Christians) than it’s ever been. If we find our identity in community, then the million-dollar question for our lives is: which community? What defines us? What are our roots?
And the answer is found very clearly in the first half of the first chapter of Ephesians. We only discover who we truly are in Christ. Following Jesus is not a club we join, or even a movement we sign up to, although we can agree that the latter is valuable; ultimately it is about immersing ourselves in a new, God-given identity. All our blessings are in Christ.
Jus look at these early verses: (v1) ‘the faithful in Christ’; (v3) ‘every spiritual blessing in Christ’; (v4) ‘he chose us in him’; (v6) ‘grace… freely given in the One’; (v7) ‘in him we have redemption’; (v9) ‘the mystery of his will… purposed in Christ’; (v11) ‘in him we were also chosen’; (v12) ‘hope in Christ’; (v13) ‘included in Christ’.
Nine references in 13 verses. Add in the following: (v2) ‘from Jesus Christ’; (v5) ‘through Jesus Christ’; (v10) ‘under Jesus Christ’ – and that’s every verse apart from v8 locating all our blessings, our entire identity as Christians, in one place, or rather person: Jesus.
It’s so foundational it’s sometimes easy to miss. Like breathing, we forget we’re doing it. But every so often it’s good to stop and remind ourselves. We are in Christ. It’s our whole identity. As we begin this week, let’s do it as those who know where they’ve come from, and where they’re going. It’s all in him. Amen!
Saturday 11th January – Ephesians 1:9-10 ‘The great summing up’
A couple of years ago, our ancient church buildings finally entered the digital financial age by acquiring card readers. It has proved a real blessing, and one of those readers is provided by the company Sum Up. It turns out that this is quite a good name for a church device, because today’s passage describes God’s ultimate plan as literally to ‘sum up’ all things.
This unusual Greek word has two meanings. In the only other place where it is used in the bible, Paul uses it to describe how ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ sums up – i.e. summarises, encapsulates – the whole law (Romans 13:9). However, the word as it is used here represents the other meaning: summing up as in ‘gathering together’.
Throughout his week we have feasted on some truly remarkable verses. Paul has outlined the great spiritual blessings that followers of Jesus enjoy – and here, perhaps is the most remarkable of all of them. God has a plan which goes well beyond simply ‘saving souls’: he is renewing the entire creation; the whole universe, in fact. This restoration of all things will not only form the final masterpiece of God’s eternal work, it will put Christ front and centre: the root of this word ‘sum up’ implies bringing things together under one Head – and we see quite clearly in the text that this head is Jesus himself.
It’s quite a thought for a cold and sleepy Saturday morning! And even more remarkable when you consider Paul’s current circumstances – under house arrest, handcuffed to a Roman soldier. I’ll finish this week with an extended quote from the great church leader John Stott, reflecting on this:
‘Though his wrist was chained and his body confined, his heart and mind inhabited eternity. He peered back “before the foundation of the world” (v4) and on to “the fullness of time” (v10), and grasped hold of what “we have” now (v7) and ought to “be” now (v4) in the light of those two eternities. As for us, how blinkered is our vision in comparison with his, how small is our mind, how narrow our horizons! …If we shared the apostle’s perspective, we would also share his praise… Life would become worship, and we would bless God constantly for having blessed us so richly in Christ.’
May the Lord grant us that perspective today. And may that cause us to lift our eyes, expand our minds, enlarge our hearts and widen our horizons. Amen!
Friday 10th January – Ephesians 1:7-8 ‘O perfect redemption…’
Last Autumn I read Robert Harris’ Cicero trilogy. I hadn’t planned to do so all in one go – but it was so good I had to start the next novel as soon as I finished the last one, and read it all in about three weeks’ flat. It is a brilliant set of novels, and is narrated by Tiro, who was Cicero’s secretary for 36 years (and really did exist; he invented shorthand, and in fact some of our abbreviations – &, NB, i.e., e.g. – were his inventions. So, without knowing it, you may already use Tiro’s work every day!)
Although the primary focus of the trilogy is, of course, the life of Cicero, one of the sub-themes is Tiro’s own life – and, in particular, the issue of his freedom. Tiro was a slave, and waited patiently for Cicero to grant his freedom, for services rendered. He has to wait a long time – decades, in fact. But eventually the moment comes, somewhat out of the blue:
‘”Congratulations, my friend,” Cicero said, shaking my hands, “you have earned it.” For years I had waited for this moment – I had yearned for it and dreamed of it and planned what I would do – and now it had arrived, almost casually it seemed, out of all this ruin and disaster. I was too overwhelmed with emotion to speak. Cicero smiled at me, and then embraced me as I wept, patting my back as if I were a child that needed comforting, and then Atticus, who was standing watching, took my head and shook it warmly. I managed to say a few words of thanks, and added that of course my first act as a free man would be to dedicate myself to his service, and that I would stay at his side to share his ordeal, whatever happened.’
It’s a striking scene (one of many in the books), but it also highlights the central theme of today’s passage, which rests on another emotive image: not, perhaps, to many of us today – but certainly to Paul’s original readers. The word redemption is another technical word (like ‘sonship’ yesterday), which means to buy a slave her or his freedom. It’s something they couldn’t do for themselves – like Tiro, it had to be granted and done for them by their owner (literally, as they were legally treated as ‘possessions’).
Put like that, suddenly this familiar Christian word ‘redemption’ takes on a much bigger meaning, doesn’t it? What Paul is saying here is that our third great spiritual blessing – after being chosen from eternity and adopted into God’s family – is that we are freed slaves.
‘Everyone who sins is a slave to sin,’ Jesus teaches in John’s gospel, and so the basic theology of the New Testament is that, spiritually speaking, all of humanity are slaves who need their freedom purchased. How is this purchase made? v7: ‘we have redemption through his (Jesus’) blood.’ That is the price – not money, or land, but Jesus’ death on our behalf. No wonder Paul calls it ‘the riches of God’s grace… lavished on us with all wisdom.’ As the great hymn writer Fanny Crosby put it: ‘O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood! To every believer the promise of God.’
Most of us will never know what it feels like to have our freedom bought (though many do around the world, still, even in our time). But that is the spiritual reality for all of us. And our response? May it be that of Tiro’s to our glorious divine Liberator: may our first act, as those are free, be to dedicate ourselves to his service. O give him the glory, great things he hath done!
Thursday 9th January – Ephesians 1:3-6 ‘Freely given’
Today we come to a spiritual blessing which arouses stronger emotions for those with direct experience: the idea of being adopted into God’s family. So, at the start, I want to acknowledge that for some people this image may be hard to engage with, because of the associations it has. It’s not my place to comment on that – rather, what we can do today is address the heart of what Paul is getting at, a message which is for everyone.
It’s often said that we are all God’s children – but in biblical terms, that’s not quite right. We are certainly all invited to become God’s children, and we are all God’s special and unique creations – every human can declare that about themselves – but we can only become God’s children through the work of Christ. That’s what Paul says here: we are adopted into God’s family ‘through Jesus Christ’ (v5).
This is not something God does grudgingly – in fact it is his ‘pleasure’; nor is it something accidental – he planned to do it, it is his ‘will’. It’s worth pausing to reflect on how remarkable that is. God delights to bring us into his family! His arms of welcome are extended, his love is ‘freely given’.
At this point Paul uses a legal term – sonship – and most bibles keep it, despite the non-inclusive language, for a good reason. This is not just bigotry; rather, this particular word in Roman culture is used when an adopted son gains the full rights of an heir. They are not just part of the family – they inherit everything.
This is vital to Paul’s declaration at the start that we have every spiritual blessing. If the ‘why’ is because of his love and grace, the ‘how’ is that we get the full rights of natural-born children (i.e. like Jesus). We inherit every spiritual blessing, thanks to Jesus.
So, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are automatically a child of God – and not just any child, an heir. The fulness of spiritual life that God longs for you to enjoy is yours – his will declares that you can have it. This is glorious grace indeed! It caused Paul to praise (v6) – may it cause all of us to praise as well. And as we look ahead to this coming day, perhaps these words, too, come to mind: freely, freely you have received – freely give.
Wednesday 8th January – Ephesians 1:4 ‘Chosen – for what?’
In 2017, the then little-known producer Dallas Jenkins released a film called ‘The Resurrection of Gavin Stone.’ It got mediocre reviews and largely flopped. Working out what to do next, Dallas started binge-watching other dramas and gradually realised there was something that had never been done before: no-one had ever filmed a multi-season series of Jesus’ life. There were many big-budget famous films, and also short series for TV – but no-one had ever attempted something more ambitious. It was indeed a Big Idea – the problem was, there was no money to do it. So, he started crowdfunding; the money started coming in, and, using a cast of relatively unknown actors, he started filming a pilot.
He called the show ‘The Chosen’, and some of you will know what happened next. The programme has been a huge hit – now running to four series, it has its own app but is also available on Prime and Netflix, and has been watched by more than 100 million people. The actor who plays Jesus has also met the Pope twice, to talk about the show!
It’s a remarkable cultural phenomenon, and has introduced Jesus to millions of people in a new way. I must confess it’s still on my list of things to watch, but I’ve heard many good reviews – even from those who wouldn’t profess to believe its message. But why ‘The Chosen’? The short answer is that it refers initially to Jesus’ choosing of his twelve apostles. But the more general sense is this idea that all followers of Jesus are chosen by God.
The idea that we are chosen is one of the more controversial in Christian thought. And yet, it occurs numerous times in the New Testament, so we cannot dismiss it. We do, however, have to face the awkward question: does that mean that others are not chosen, and therefore cannot be saved?
At one level, we’ll never know this side of heaven. The best answer, though, is this: no-one living can say ‘I have not been chosen.’ However, those who are followers of Jesus can declare with joy: ‘The Lord has chosen me!’
This is the first of the great spiritual blessings Paul refers to in v3 (see yesterday’s reflection). And it naturally comes first because of the timeline: when did God choose us? When we were born? When we first started exploring faith? No – before the world began. Wow! This is not a roll-the-dice, toss-a-coin kind of choice; this is a fixed and firm decision. God chose you – a long, long time ago.
But not just so you could feel special – although we all should! There’s a bigger, redemptive plan. We are chosen ‘to be holy and blameless in his sight’ – in other words, to lead the kind of life God meant for humanity to live, in harmony with their Creator and with transparent integrity. God’s choice is not designed to spoil us, but to transform us. We are the Chosen – for a bigger role than even a global TV series; we are chosen to become a new humanity, filled with the fulness of God.
Today, take a moment to give thanks that God has chosen you. And pray that, by his wonderful grace, you can live that abundant, holy life he has chosen you for.
Tuesday 7th January – Ephesians 1:3 ‘Every spiritual blessing’
‘It’s the hope that kills you.’ You’ll hear this phrase often on the lips of a sports fan. The great joy – and curse – of following a team is that success is only ever temporary. It makes the wins all the sweeter, knowing that defeat is inevitable at some point – probably next week! Some of you will know that I’m a big fan of American football, and last night my team – the Denver Broncos – thrashed the reigning champions to make it through to the play-offs for the first time in nine years. It was as amazing as it was unexpected.
We only had to win one of our last three games – two weeks ago, we were 11 points up well into the second half of the game… and lost. Last week we were tied at the end of normal time (enough to see us qualify)… and lost in overtime. They’ve put us all through the wringer, to be honest. But today, I can dream… until we get thrashed next week by the Bills in snowy Buffalo. It’s the hope that kills you.
That sense of impending doom, a glass half empty, the sense that things will always go wrong in the end, is often thought to be a ‘mature’ way of looking at the world. What we experience in the fantasy world of sport becomes our mantra in life, too. If something seems too good to be true – well, it probably is. Life will come back to bite to you in the end.
St Paul would be entitled to feel like that more than most people. Walking away from a privileged upbringing and rapid career rise through the religious ranks in adult life, he’d spent the last 25 years or so being rejected by his own people, thrown out of towns and cities, beaten up, stoned, occasionally betrayed by friends, and in and out of numerous prisons. He even writes this current letter under permanent house arrest.
And yet, what is his perspective on life? Cynical? World weary? Tired of hope? ‘Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.’ Every spiritual blessing. Not just a few, or even plenty – but all we need. Whatever life throws at him, Paul’s perspective is that there are deeper things, hidden realities, firm foundations, eternal truths which outlast anything we face here on this earth. In Christ, we can overcome, because these spiritual realities, these blessings, are ours.
There’s a lot to be fearful or depressed about in the world at present. And those things aren’t going away anytime soon. But, when I read this wonderful verse, I find myself thinking: ‘I want a bit of what he has.’ In fact, I want a lot of it. A hope which runs deeper, holds faster than anything else.
Over the next few days, we’ll look in detail at the blessings Paul names – and there are plenty! But today, let’s receive this verse as an invitation: to believe that, whatever our daily challenges, or the bigger problems in our world, we really do have every spiritual blessing in Christ. May that word be written on our hearts. And, like Paul, may it cause us to praise our great God today. Amen.
Monday 6th January – Ephesians 1:1-2 ‘Grace and peace’
If you could attempt to summarise the things you really needed to know as a Christian, a follower of Jesus, what would they be?
It’s a useful question to ask, and in the bible, the book of Ephesians is the closest we get to an answer. Why? Because there’s a good chance that, unlike all of St Paul’s other letters, this one was not only written to one church community, but was more of a circular, sent out to many. The earliest copies of this letter that we have do not mention Ephesus at all in the first verse, and the second century scholar Marcion refers to this letter as being one written to Laodicea not Ephesus.
Once you add in the lack of personal greetings to a church where he had spent more time than any other (he lived in Ephesus for three years), the lack of specific questions Paul addresses in the letter, the broad sweep of theology and the fact that we know it was one of his later letters, probably written under house arrest in Rome (hence his description of himself as a prisoner in 4:1), then it seems likely that this is a very different kind of letter to Paul’s usual missive.
This is the elderly Paul’s last great summary of what God has done in Christ, and how we should respond and therefore live as a result. It is, in short, the heart of what we really need to know. All in five pages of a standard bible. Wow.
The letter splits neatly into two halves: who we are in Christ (chs 1-3) and therefore how we should live as followers of Christ (chs 4-6). The first half contains some of the most mind-blowing, heart-lifting theology ever written; the second half is intensely practical, covering unity, gifts, values, lifestyle, leadership, core relationships, witness, prayer and the spiritual battle. Not much to work with, then! The challenge will be not to say too much each day, rather than not enough….
But, before we get into the meat of this amazing letter, it starts with a simple greeting: ‘grace and peace’. It was Paul’s adaptation of a typical Roman greeting… but so much more. In three simple words he defines the essence of our faith. First, grace: God’s undeserved mercy to us, his heart of love for humanity, shown in Christ. I was brought up to understand grace by this simple acronym: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense – and it’s hard to get a better definition, even now. Philip Yancey describes grace as the ‘last, best word of the English language,’ defining it as: ‘nothing you can do can make God love you more, nothing you can do can make God love you less.’ What a thought…
And the outcome of grace is that second word: peace. More than just the absence of conflict, it derives from the Hebrew word shalom, which means complete wellbeing in every dimension. Whilst we may feel a long way short of that, to know the grace of Christ slowly brings order and peace to all our relationships: with God, with others, with the wider community, even with ourselves.
Grace and peace. What better way to greet someone – even someone you meet today? And what better thing to pray as we begin our series, and indeed this year: may God fill us all with a deeper understanding of his grace, that we too might overflow with his peace. Amen.